[keycloak-user] realm-identity-provider html for custom identity provider

Vincent Sluijter Vincent.Sluijter at crv4all.com
Tue May 10 05:46:08 EDT 2016


We created a custom (saml) identity provider module for keycloak and we want to configure it through the admin interface. To do this keycloak seems to expect a 'realm-identity-provider-providerid.html' in the base.admin.resources.partials theme folder.

-        What would be the best way to add this custom html file? We tried to add it to the module with a keycloak-themes.json but this only works when selecting the new theme in the Master realm.

-        Is it possible to extend the base/keycloak theme through the module? Because adding a theme for a provider in the master realm does not seem very maintainable.

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