[keycloak-user] Creating an user by rest api

Celso Agra celso.agra at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 11:28:42 EST 2016

Hi all,

I'm configuring keycloak to perform some actions with rest api. I'm trying
to create an user using the register action (like register page), but when
I call the rest api:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X
> POST -d "{'username' : 'bburke', 'enabled': true, 'email' : '
> bburke at redhat.com', 'firstName': 'Bill', 'lastName': 'Burke',
> 'credentials' : [{ 'type' : 'password', 'value' : 'password' } ],
> 'realmRoles': [ 'user', 'offline_access'  ], 'clientRoles': {'account': [
> 'manage-account' ] } }"
> http://localhost:8080/admin/realms/servlet-authz/users

I got an 404 error. Would be possible to create an user just using the rest

Thank you.

best regards,

Celso Agra.

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