[keycloak-user] Configuring KC adapter through ENV/programatically

cen imbacen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 05:30:22 EDT 2016


We have a Java REST microservice which is configured as a whole through 
environment variables and deployed in Docker.

We can't provide production keycloak.json at Docker build time because 
then it becomes a specific container for a specific deployment. We want 
to keep the container unconfigured and neutral, ready to be deployed 
with any Keycloak server.

At the moment we have an additional step in production deployment that 
copies the correct keycloak.json into a running Docker container and 
restarts it.

Ideally though, we would like to provide keycloak.json through an 
environment variable or load it dynamically from etcd/zookeeper/similar.

is it possible to somehow configure the Keycloak adapter at runtime?

Best regards, cen

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