[keycloak-user] CatalinaSamlAuthenticator issue using keycloak saml eap6 adapter

Jacobs, Michael Michael.Jacobs at nuance.com
Tue Apr 25 20:04:07 EDT 2017

I have plugged keycloak-saml-eap6-adapter-dist-2.5.5.Final into JBoss eap-6.4.1 following these instructions:


I am using Keycloak 2.5.5 as well.  I have my client set up to use POST binding, and was getting into a loop of the client trying to login over and over in loop.

I narrowed it down to the CatalinaSamlAuthenticator which overrides createBrowserHandler() to set up a BrowserHandler, as opposed to the WebBrowserSsoAuthenticationHandler the parent class sets up.

This BrowserHandler overrides handle() in a way that does not read the samlResponse from the façade.  This leads to initiateLogin() in the parent class getting called over and over.

If I comment createBrowserHandler() in CatalinaSamlAuthenticator I get the WebBrowserSsoAuthenticationHandler implementation which has a version of handle() that works.

Am I misconfigured somehow?  Or is this a bug?



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