[keycloak-user] CODE_TO_TOKEN_ERROR - Could not obtain grant code error

Robert Parker robert.parker at weareact.com
Thu Aug 24 09:21:18 EDT 2017


I have just started using keycloak and am using the nodejs adapter which I have configured and have my client application being redirected to the keycloak login screen.

When attempting to login I am seeing a 'Could not obtain grant code error' from my express server log and in our keycloak server log I see the following:

12:07:12,341 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-30) type=CODE_TO_TOKEN_ERROR, realmId=myrealm, clientId=client-test, userId=xxx, ipAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx, error=invalid_code, grant_type=authorization_code, code_id=13f4c40b-667c-4750-a19e-d21219736c12, client_auth_method=client-secret

We are making use of the authorization code flow, and I think I am correct in believing the first step of authenticating the user is completing as I see cookies are being set for AUTH_SESSION_ID, KEYCLOAK_SESSION and KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY.

The error I am seeing gets invoked when a GET request is made back to my client application with an auth_callback querystring:


I can see a code param is present here, part of which contains the code_id referenced in the keycloak log - 13f4c40b-667c-4750-a19e-d21219736c12

I haven't come across anything in the docs when I started setting up my realm\client\users that mentions anything about these codes, have I possibly missed a configuration step?

Robert Parker - Front End Developer
Applied Card Technologies Ltd
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14 St Andrews Crescent
CF10 3DD
+44 (0) 2922 331860

Robert.Parker at weareACT.com

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