[keycloak-user] "Test connection" in Realm Settings/Email fails

Michael Kefeder mike at multiwave.ch
Mon Dec 11 11:30:20 EST 2017

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for your quick feedback. The admin-user in the master realm that 
I am logged on as, has a valid email address, yes. While checking this I 
configured the demo realm, I still have it from following the keycloak 
documentation, with the same smtp settings I have in my Multiwave and 
master, and tried: In the demo realm sending emails (eg verify email) 

Visually there is no difference between the smtp configs, so I looked at 
the DB table realm_smtp_config, for the Multiwave and master realm there 
is an empty entry for "replyTo", which causes the problem. Don't know 
how that made it in there, I guess me playing around with the 
Test-connection button created that entry.

Anyways, deleting the entry from the database AND reloading keycloak 
fixed the sending emails issue.

The test-connection button does not work in any realm.

I am now off to write bug reports.

Am 11.12.17 um 15:51 schrieb Bruno Oliveira:
> Hi Michael, does the current logged in user has a valid e-mail address? 
> This functionality assumes that there's a valid e-mail for the user 
> requesting it. Not sure if that's the case, otherwise file a Jira with 
> the steps to reproduce and I will try to look at this.
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:11 AM Michael Kefeder <mike at multiwave.ch 
> <mailto:mike at multiwave.ch>> wrote:
>     Hi List
>     I installed your official docker image 3.4.1.Final and sending emails
>     from GUI "Users/$user/Credentials/Credential reset" failed with an
>     exception, that can be seen in `docker logs` output:
>     ERROR [org.keycloak.services] (default task-37) KC-SERVICES0088: Failed
>     to send execute actions email: org.keycloak.email.EmailException:
>     org.keycloak.email.EmailException: Please provide a valid address
>               at
>     org.keycloak.email.DefaultEmailSenderProvider.send(DefaultEmailSenderProvider.java:145)
>     ...
>     I provided and saved a from-address in the Realm-Settings of course, so
>     I started to play around a bit trying to find the actual problem. I
>     found another issue: Klicking on the "Test connection" button in the
>     Realm Settings/Email tab triggers a "Status Code 400 Bad Request". Seen
>     in my javascript console (using Chrome and Firefox browser). It is a
>     POST request, but the Request URL contains all posted data, looking
>     almost like a GET request would, and therefore it includes the SMTP
>     servers password(!?), not sure if that is intended as this could end up
>     in a web-servers logfile. Looks like this (given URL is shortened):
>     Here is the data I am POSTing (actual server/usernames changed to
>     protect the innocent):
>     {"realm":"Multiwave","config":"{\"password\":\"**********\",\"starttls\":true,\"auth\":true,\"port\":587,\"host\":\"smtp.example.com
>     <http://smtp.example.com>\",\"replyTo\":\"\",\"from\":\"sso at example.com
>     <mailto:sso at example.com>\",\"fromDisplayName\":\"Keycloak\",\"ssl\":\"\",\"user\":\"smtp_loginname\"}"}
>     any hints what I am doing wrong? Is this broken for somebody else using
>     docker? Not being able to send the reset-password emails is keeping me
>     from deploying keycloak for our users. Setting it up and implementing
>     the authentication clients against it worked really great so far, thanks
>     for your system!
>     br
>        mike
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