[keycloak-user] Can't logout using Jetty93 adapter

Anselme Ndeke ndekefa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 07:43:56 EDT 2018


Steps to reproduce:

   - setup jetty93 adapter on jetty 9.3.10.v20160621
   - download keycloak server 4.0.0.Beta1
   - follow through keycloak-quistarts/app-profile-jee-vanilla tutorials
   - try access the restricted page and login with user password
   - logout
   - try login again = you're still logged in (the session is alive on
   keycloak server)

Expected: keycloak server should ask for user/password again

I attached a project based on the vanilla sample. The same generated war
works well on wildfly10.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.



Anselme NDEKE
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