[keycloak-user] Mixing Identity Broker with Federated provider

Ceri Coburn ceri.coburn at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 12:55:38 EDT 2018


Is it possible to use Federated LDAP/AD for importing accounts but use
OAuth broker for authenticating them users?

I am importing users from local AD server which sets up the users upn
as the login name and email address.  I have then setup Azure AD using
OIDC identity broker and setup a "Username Template Importer" to use
the same upn attribute from the OAuth claims so that the username and
email match that of the imported LDAP accounts.

But when I login using Azure AD, keycloak complains of an existing
username already present.

Is there a way I can have Azure AD and Federated LDAP imports work
together so that it assumes the same identity?


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