[keycloak-user] keycloak 403 forbidden error while accessing rest resource where as evaluate api shows permit

Pedro Igor Silva psilva at redhat.com
Mon Aug 27 10:00:49 EDT 2018


Thanks for continuing looking at this. Let's do this, I'll do the same
steps using Jetty to reproduce the issue, will let you know during this
week once I have something to share.

Another weird thing is that the example actually should return all
permissions and make them available after the login. Will check how this is
working with Jetty too. The tests we have in the quickstarts are
wildfly based ....

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 8:22 AM, keycloak demo <testoauth55 at gmail.com>

> I have tried 1 more thing: I have imported realm from one of the keycloak
> quickstarts https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-
> quickstarts/tree/latest/app-authz-jee-servlet and only replaced the URLs
> with my application URLs.
> But I get the same error *if* I remove the resource containing URI as */**
> (resource name is : *Protected Resource*). Furthermore, if i keep this
> resource (/*), I am able to authorize a user but putting a debugger in
> client app showed that authContext Permission list contains only 1 resource
> i.e. Protected Resource. Although the user which authenticated was assigned
> the role contained in resource name: Premium Resource. So ideally the
> Permission list must have contained this resource as well.  (I am
> mentioning the names - Protected, Premium as mentioned in the keycloak
> quick start). I put in /* URI in my original app and 403 stopped. But the
> permission array contained only this resource (with URI /*)
> java.util.List<Permission> perms = authzContext.getPermissions();
> ********To summarize the above test:*********
> *I get 403 error if a resource containing URI /* is not present. If a URI
> containing /* is present, then I get only this resource in the Permissions
> Array / List in the java client app even if the resource with specific URI
> like /app/secure contains valid role/policy/permission. Also the evaluate
> API available under Authorization option shows result as permit.*
> *Screenshots present
> here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-as-evaluate-api
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-as-evaluate-api>*
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 12:07 PM keycloak demo <testoauth55 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Pedro,
>> Yes default permissions grant access to any resource in my application
>> (uri == /*). But problem starts when I specify a resource with specific URI
>> (as described in configuration in my previous email and also here: *https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-as-evaluate-api
>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-as-evaluate-api>*
>> ).
>> Just to summarize the real problem:
>> Apart from default resource having `/*`, I have a second resource having
>> URI:   /secure/role/*  and this resource also has a role based policy to
>> allow access to only users having role "special", the expected behavior is
>> the users who don't have role "special" should not be able to access this
>> resource, right?
>> But I am able to access this resource with any user, any role. So I
>> thought that may be default resource URI with '/*' is overriding behavior
>> of second resource, so I changed default resource URI to '/test/*', and
>> then I started receiving 403 error for accessing both '/test' as well as
>> second resource ' /secure/role/*  ' for all users including user with
>> "special" role assigned.
>> I looked into realm resource configuration in one of the quick starts and
>> the only difference I found was that quick start resources specify scope in
>> each of resources whereas I have kept it blank. Could this be an issue.
>> I understand you already spent time in trying to resolve this but problem
>> still persists.
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 5:11 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 4:40 AM, keycloak demo <testoauth55 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Pedro,
>>>> After further debugging I found out that following line in keycloak
>>>> json is causing the issue:  "policy-enforcer": {}. If I remove this
>>>> line, then 403 error is removed but I guess doing this disables
>>>> authorization altogether. 2 questions on this:
>>>> 1. When I have configured policies on the Admin console under the
>>>> authorization tab, why is this empty?
>>> I'm not sure. When you enable authorization services to a client default
>>> resource/permissions are created. Where these permissions grant access to
>>> any resource in your application (uri == /*).
>>>> 2. Is there a way to put some default values (not manually) in here to
>>>> make authorization work?
>>> Like I said, when you just enable the authorization services switch,
>>> default settings are created automatically.
>>> Did you try to run any of our quickstarts ?
>>>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 5:17 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yeah, it should be relative. I was wondering if the correct URI
>>>>> would be '/keycloak/secure/role' instead.
>>>>> In any case, I would ask you to try the same deployment using tomcat
>>>>> or wildfly to see how it goes. We have a few quickstarts running on these
>>>>> two. Maybe you could also try to enable DEBUG log level to see how the
>>>>> policy enforcer is matching URIs to your resources.
>>>>> If none of them work, I can give a try and run jetty.
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> Pedro Igor
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 12:31 AM, keycloak demo <testoauth55 at gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Pedro, thanks for replying. I tried putting the absolute URI,but it
>>>>>> does not work either. The documentation anyway states that the URI in
>>>>>> resource can be relative to client root URL which I have configured to be
>>>>>> http://localhost:7200/{app}/keycloak , therefore putting  relateve
>>>>>> URI '/secure/role' in resource should be equivalent to putting
>>>>>> absolute URI :    http://localhost:7200/{app}/keycloak/secure/role'.
>>>>>> Do you think, there is something else I can try?
>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Your configuration looks correct. But I noticed that in the postman
>>>>>>> request you are sending requests to `http://localhost:7200/{app}/
>>>>>>> keycloak/secure/role`
>>>>>>> <http://localhost:7200/%7Bapp%7D/keycloak/secure/role>. However in
>>>>>>> your resource definition the URI is configured to `/secure/role`. Both URIs
>>>>>>> should match otherwise the adapter won't be able to map the URI in your
>>>>>>> application to a resource in Keycloak (and related permissions).
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> Pedro Igor
>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 5:56 AM, keycloak demo <testoauth55 at gmail.com
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> With all the configuration(shared below), when I test using the
>>>>>>>> evaluate
>>>>>>>> option under authorization tab, result is permit:
>>>>>>>> *But when I make a request to this resource through postman, I get
>>>>>>>> 403.*
>>>>>>>> *Which part of configuration is wrong which is leading to 403
>>>>>>>> error?*
>>>>>>>> *Detailed configuration with images shown here:*
>>>>>>>> *https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-
>>>>>>>> 403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-
>>>>>>>> as-evaluate-api
>>>>>>>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51761779/keycloak-
>>>>>>>> 403-forbidden-error-while-accessing-rest-resource-where-
>>>>>>>> as-evaluate-api>*
>>>>>>>> *1.* Following the  <goog_1387888133>
>>>>>>>> https://www.keycloak.org/docs/4.2/authorization_services/ , I
>>>>>>>> created a
>>>>>>>> realm role : *role_special_user* and created a user :
>>>>>>>> *user_special* with
>>>>>>>> this role and role *user*.
>>>>>>>> *2.* Next, my resource server / client is with *full scope enabled*:
>>>>>>>> *3.* Under authorization tab, I created a resource  with the role
>>>>>>>> based
>>>>>>>> policy is.
>>>>>>>> *4.* Now, keycloak json is:
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>   "realm": "demo12",
>>>>>>>>   "auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8180/auth",
>>>>>>>>   "ssl-required": "none",
>>>>>>>>   "resource": "server12",
>>>>>>>>   "credentials": {
>>>>>>>>     "secret": "XXXXXXX"
>>>>>>>>   },
>>>>>>>>   "confidential-port": 0,
>>>>>>>>   "policy-enforcer": {}}
>>>>>>>> *5.* And Keycloak Jetty adapter configuration is:
>>>>>>>> final String KEYCLOAK_JSON = Constants.KC_CONFIG_JSON_PATH;
>>>>>>>> InputStream is =
>>>>>>>> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
>>>>>>>> getResourceAsStream(KEYCLOAK_JSON);AdapterConfig
>>>>>>>> keyCloakConfig;ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new
>>>>>>>> SystemPropertiesJsonParserFactory());
>>>>>>>> mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_DEFAULT);
>>>>>>>> keyCloakConfig = mapper.readValue(is, AdapterConfig.class);
>>>>>>>> KeycloakJettyAuthenticator kcAuthenticator =
>>>>>>>> KeyCloakConfig;if(kcAuthenticator != null) {
>>>>>>>>     ConstraintSecurityHandler securityHandler = new
>>>>>>>> ConstraintSecurityHandler();
>>>>>>>>     ConstraintMapping constraintMapping = new ConstraintMapping();
>>>>>>>>     constraintMapping.setPathSpec("/*");
>>>>>>>>     Constraint constraint = new Constraint();
>>>>>>>>     constraint.setAuthenticate(true);
>>>>>>>>     constraint.setRoles(new String[]{"**"});
>>>>>>>>     constraintMapping.setConstraint(constraint);
>>>>>>>>     securityHandler.addConstraintMapping(constraintMapping);
>>>>>>>>     securityHandler.setAuthenticator(kcAuthenticator);
>>>>>>>>     context.setSecurityHandler(securityHandler);}
>>>>>>>> *6.* Also, the decoded jwt token sample is:
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>   "jti": "XXXXXXX",
>>>>>>>>   "exp": 1533798704,
>>>>>>>>   "nbf": 0,
>>>>>>>>   "iat": 1533798404,
>>>>>>>>   "iss": "http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/demo12",
>>>>>>>>   "aud": "server12",
>>>>>>>>   "sub": "XXXXXXX",
>>>>>>>>   "typ": "Bearer",
>>>>>>>>   "azp": "server12",
>>>>>>>>   "auth_time": 1533798404,
>>>>>>>>   "session_state": "XXXXXX",
>>>>>>>>   "acr": "1",
>>>>>>>>   "allowed-origins": [],
>>>>>>>>   "realm_access": {
>>>>>>>>     "roles": [
>>>>>>>>       "role_special_user",
>>>>>>>>       "offline_access",
>>>>>>>>       "uma_authorization",
>>>>>>>>       "user"
>>>>>>>>     ]
>>>>>>>>   },
>>>>>>>>   "resource_access": {
>>>>>>>>     "server12": {
>>>>>>>>       "roles": [
>>>>>>>>         "uma_protection"
>>>>>>>>       ]
>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>     "account": {
>>>>>>>>       "roles": [
>>>>>>>>         "manage-account",
>>>>>>>>         "manage-account-links",
>>>>>>>>         "view-profile"
>>>>>>>>       ]
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>   },
>>>>>>>>   "scope": "openid email profile",
>>>>>>>>   "email_verified": false,
>>>>>>>>   "preferred_username": "user_special"}
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>>>>>>>> keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
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