[keycloak-user] Poor response time for User REST API

Cedric Vidaillac cedric.vidaillac at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 12:22:36 EST 2018

Hi all,

I have ~4k users imported in my (postgres) database, when I go for

GET /{realm}/users/

For max=100 (default) it takes about 20-22s to respond (60kb document).

For max=20, I still get 4s response time, which is kinda... not ideal.

I’m not sure if those response time are normal, and if not why is this so
slow ?

I’m guessing this overhead is caused by the JSON response, I tried on the
database (>20ms). -> is there a way to reduce the JSON data response
produced by Keycloak ? I only need usernames.

I didnt find anything on the docs, I tried ?fields=username in query param,
sadly it doesn’t work.

 In case you’re wondering why I do that, I want to use an auto-complete on
my app, with usernames.)

Thanks for reading.


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