[keycloak-user] OpenID Connect IdP and nonce parameter

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Fri Jan 5 07:54:05 EST 2018

Yes, so as I mentioned, it means that there is bug on their side as they 
claim the "nonce" field as mandatory even if it's not per specs. So I 
suggest to create JIRA on their side too.

For our side, feel free to create JIRA to add "nonce", but it's not a 
bug, rather feature request. As we don't break specs anyhow.


On 05/01/18 11:34, Raphaël HOAREAU wrote:
> Marek,
> Thank you for the explanations.
> FranceConnect already seems to use Authorization Code flow, but 
> defines "nonce" as a mandatory field :
> https://partenaires.franceconnect.gouv.fr/fournisseur-service
> FR : "NONCE Champ obligatoire, généré aléatoirement par le FS que FC 
> renvoie tel quel dans la réponse à l'appel à /token, pour être ensuite 
> vérifié par le FS. Il est utilisé pour empêcher les attaques par rejeu"
> EN : "NONCE Mandatory field, ramdonly generated by FS (client) that FC 
> (FranceConnect) resend as-is in the request to /token, to be verified 
> by the FS. It is used to prevent replay attacks"
> I'll create a JIRA in Keycloak.
> Raphaël.
> Le 04/01/2018 à 22:06, Marek Posolda a écrit :
>> Yes, Keycloak doesn't add "nonce" to the requests to identity 
>> providers. But IMO that's not the Keycloak's fault that your scenario 
>> doesn't work because "nonce" is not required, but just "optional" per 
>> OIDC specification in Authorization Code flow. See [1] .
>> Is FranceConnect using Authorization Code Flow or some other 
>> OIDC/OAuth2 flow? If it's using some other flow (EG. Implicit flow), 
>> is it possible to switch it to use Authorization Code flow instead? 
>> If it already uses Authorization Code flow, then it's mistake on 
>> their side as "nonce" is optional parameter per specs, so they 
>> shouldn't require it though.
>> Still, you can maybe create JIRA in Keycloak for adding nonce. There 
>> shouldn't be any significant issue with adding it (besides the URL to 
>> identityProviders will be a bit longer).
>> [1] http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthRequest
>> Marek
>> On 04/01/18 15:59, Raphaël HOAREAU wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm facing an issue where I use an external oidc IdP (FranceConnect) 
>>> for
>>> my users to log in.
>>> When trying to login with this provider, i have this error :
>>> {"status":"fail","message":"The following fields are missing or 
>>> empty : nonce"}
>>> If i put, manually, &nonce=someRandomInt, in the URL, the process 
>>> continues.
>>> Am i missing something in my Identity Provider configuration ? Is there
>>> a way to add a parameter when requesting the external provider ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Raphaël HOAREAU.
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