[keycloak-user] kubernetes

Simon Payne simonpayne58 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 06:03:33 EST 2018

Hi all,

i'm trying to get keycloak clustered on google cloud using KUBE_PING.

i have a starting keycloak server using docker based on the latest keycloak
and using kubernetes-0.9.3

however, i get the message:

[org.jgroups.protocols.kubernetes.KUBE_PING] (ServerService Thread Pool --
51) namespace not set; clustering disabled

i cant figure out how to add the namespace - all example are using
infinispan which uses different markup to keycloak.

my standalone-ha uses <protocol type="kubernetes.KUBE_PING"/>

if i add any additional attributes on this tag then keycloak fails to start

any help would be appreciated.



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