[keycloak-user] Credential Reset Update Password | using secondary email address

lists lists at merit.unu.edu
Mon Jan 22 05:52:14 EST 2018


Keycloak 3.4.1, with federated ldap accounts.

The "Credential Reset" action "Update password" in keycloak admin sends 
a password reset link to the users primary email address.

But the reason for the Credential Reset, usually *IS* (of course) the 
fact that the user can no knows his/her password, and therefore can no 
longer can access his/her email.

Therefore we would like this reset link to go a seconday email address, 
or perhaps be asked which emailaddress to send to reset link to, perhaps 
defaulting to the usual primary address, but with the option to send it 
to another address.

Would this not be a useful enhancement for others as well? Would it be 
worth submitting a feature request for? (or are we alone with this 


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