[keycloak-user] Is that possible to custom token claims? Especially, I don't want "sub" in the token claims.

hugh shangguan hcsgzh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 00:03:41 EDT 2018

Hi there,

I am learning Keycloak system. I wonder if I can change the token claims.

In the endpoint,
I can see there is a claims_supported. Can I set it without "sub"?
"claims_supported": [
  "claim_types_supported": [

when I login keycloak, I can receive a token, the claims in the token like
  "jti": "ea8ea454-6af2-4343-a51f-14092d7566bb",
  "exp": 1531316875,
  "nbf": 0,
  "iat": 1531280875,
  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
  "sub": "a9ce424d-019b-4222-859d-eba851c875ff",
  "auth_time": 0,
  "session_state": "20dc46d8-029b-4b27-af37-e4b896789e96",
  "resource_access": {},
  "state_checker": "GYcbcAp8yFc0YCmBdKN9jJ1lqXT_oMp9Hoa1WW93uxw"

Can I change some config to set the "sub" off? Is that save that browser
can get the user information?

My understanding of keycloak working is steps below. please point out if I
my wrong.
1. client (browser) go to Application server to ask a protected url. and it
will redirect to Keycloak login page.
2. After user finish their login in browser, user will get a code from
keycloak.(seems it ractually is a token).
3. Then browser will send the code to Application server.
4. Application server will ask Keycloak server that if the code is valid
and get a access token. Then Application server decides to allow or not
allow the user .

But I see my browser just get the access token with user information. I
wonder is that secure?


Zhaohui Shangguan

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