[keycloak-user] Getting a realm public key without credentials

Jean-Baptiste Fouet jbf.nospam at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 11:01:57 EDT 2018

Hi, we are trying to integrate keycloak in our system, and in order to
check the genreate access token, we need a realm public key. We would like
to avoid configuring crednetila on all endpoint needing to check  a JWT
token, so it would be great to be able to get keycloak key without any

i did found the endpoint


 which give the following json,without auth:


Unfortunately, here there is no key id, so i can't handle several JWT
provider or even a single keycloak with key rotation.

Now, i found a more detailed key interface under

http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/{realms}/keys, returning for
each key the status, type (algorithm), an the keyid.

But i need credentials to access this interface, even though its only
public data (HMAC & AES keys are NOT provided).

I accessed it with the keycloak master admin,  i do not want to spread
his  credentials everywhere, but i would be ok if i could create a
user with limited rights to access only that

Any suggestions on how to proceed ? Is there another endpoint to get
this fulll info ?
The doc doesnt clearly states the roles needed to access


Thank you


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