[keycloak-user] Securing rest api with keycloak without cookie

Rudolf Jurišić rudolf.jurisic at degordian.com
Thu Mar 1 15:42:16 EST 2018

Hi guys!

I am building a nodejs restify app.
I want to protect my endpoints, but to use the login programatically.

I used the example from

I make a request to the server

and get a response with tokens.
    "access_token": {
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs...

With this token I then make a request with Authorization header bearer plus
token to a keycloak.protected endpoint.

If I do it with cookie, everythig works fine.

Can I do it without cookie (for example from postman), just by using the
token in every request I make on the protected endpoints?

And more importantly, is this a good flow and can it work like this:
1. obtain tokens
2. use bearer with the access token for every request to protected endpoints



rudolf.jurisic at degordian.com
+385 99 2737 781


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