[keycloak-user] How to integrate Keycloak with Payara Micro?

Thomás Sousa Silva thomas.sousa.96 at gmail.com
Sun May 13 21:03:32 EDT 2018


How i can integrate the Keycloak <https://www.keycloak.org/> with Payara
Micro <https://www.payara.fish/payara_micro>?

I want create an stateless REST JAX-RS application that use the Keycloak as
authentication and authorization server, but i unknown how do it.

The Eclipse MicroProfile JWT Authentication API defines the @LoginConfig

@LoginConfig(authMethod = "MP-JWT", realmName =
"admin-realm")@ApplicationPath("/")public class MyApplication extends
Application {...}

And the java EE the @RolesAllowed annotation:

@Path("/api/v1/books")public class BooksController {

    public Books findAll() {...}

How integrate these two things?

*Thomás Sousa Silva*

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