[keycloak-user] RPT endpoint responds unexpectedly for resources created with an explicit _id

Geoffrey Cleaves geoff at opticks.io
Tue Nov 6 09:32:22 EST 2018

The following attempt to change the _id results in 500 Server Error:

curl -X PUT \
  https://domain.com/realms/realm/authz/protection/resource_set/resource2 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 123' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{

But creating a new resource "resource-3" with the dash does resolve the
issue. Now I get access_denied.


On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 14:25, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com> wrote:

> I think I know what is happening.
> Although we support setting the _id when creating a resource, our code
> assumes that ids have the same format as when auto-generated by Keycloak.
> In order to avoid unnecessary hits to the database when querying a
> resource by name, we have a specific point in the code that only tries to
> fetch the resource by id if it contains a "-". Otherwise, query by name.
> That is why it is failing for you.
> If you try to change the id value to "resource-2" you should get things
> working as expected. Can you try it out?
> Regards.
> Pedro Igor
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 10:26 AM Geoffrey Cleaves <geoff at opticks.io> wrote:
>> The token endpoint sends an unexpected response while using grant_type
>> urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket and a ticket with permissions
>> to a resource created via the resource UMA endpoint that has an explicit
>> _id.
>> When access is denied, endpoint sends a HTTP 400 and invalid_resource /
>> Resource with id [resource2] does not exist. instead of sending 403. The
>> same test but using a resource which has the Keycloak-assigned _id returns
>> 403 as expected.
>> I believe the key point here is that the resource has been created using
>> the resource_set endpoint and had the _id set explicitly instead of
>> letting
>> Keycloak assign the id.
>> Could the issue be related the fact that my Keycloak Docker install began
>> as 4.3.0.Final with the database being Postgres, and then I upgraded
>> Keycloak to 4.5.0.Final by downloading the latest Docker image? Could any
>> DB migrations have been missed which could cause this issue?
>> To reproduce the issue, try the following: Create resources rA and rB via
>> the resource_set endpoint. When creating rB, include a explicit _id. Then,
>> using an auth_token which does not have access to rB, try getting a RPT
>> which includes permissions to rB. Token end point will respond with 400
>> resource_not_found. But in fact the resource exists.
>> I have opened Jira ticket: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-8729
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