[keycloak-user] How to retrieve user ID from Keycloak to my web app

Kunal Kumar wolfbro92 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 23:22:10 EST 2018

Before, my web app is has its own login form to authenticate users.

But since I have connected my web app to Keycloak to authenticate the users
now, my web app does not need to have the login form anymore, hence I need
to remove it.

This was roughly how I retrieved the users information before Keycloak:-

if (chkLogin(getUserID(), getUserPwd())) {
            MaintainUser mu = new MaintainUser();
            this.usrInfo = null;
            String[] usr = mu.validatePassword(getUserID(), getUserPwd()); }

This is not the full coding, but basically I use the getUserID method to
retrieve the users info and check it for authentication before. How do I
perform this if I want to retrieve the user ID from the Keycloak admin


Kunal Kumar

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