[keycloak-user] org.keycloak.broker.oidc.mappers.ClaimToRoleMapper does not update user roles

Simon Payne simonpayne58 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 09:09:33 EDT 2018

Hi Philippe,

yes i found that it wouldn't add or remove roles if the use was already
known.  I never got around to raising a Jira ticket to fix the issue as i
had some issues trying to get a dev environment up and running - some units
tests just wouldn't run for me.

any way.. this was my solution which is running in our production, which
seems to still be working as expected.  I just rebuilt the relevant service
and deployed accordingly.

I'm happy to work on the permanent fix.  I found it in 3.2.1 (i think it
was and it is still present in 4.3 which is the most up-to date version we
are running).  There were some additional requirements which Marek
mentioned to include in the fix, they will be in the original thread.

>* @Override public void importNewUser(KeycloakSession session, RealmModel
realm, UserModel user, IdentityProviderMapperModel mapperModel,
BrokeredIdentityContext context) {*

>*      mapRole(realm, user, mapperModel, context);
*>* }
*>>* @Override public void updateBrokeredUser(KeycloakSession session,
RealmModel realm, UserModel user, IdentityProviderMapperModel
mapperModel, BrokeredIdentityContext context) {
*>*      mapRole(realm, user, mapperModel, context);
*>>* }
*>>* private void mapRole(RealmModel realm, UserModel user,
IdentityProviderMapperModel mapperModel, BrokeredIdentityContext
context) {
*>>*      String roleName = mapperModel.getConfig().get(ConfigConstants.ROLE);
*>*      RoleModel role = KeycloakModelUtils.getRoleFromString(realm, roleName);
*>*      if (role ==null)throw new IdentityBrokerException("Unable to
find role: " + roleName);
*>>*      if (hasClaimValue(mapperModel, context)) {
*>*          user.grantRole(role);
*>*      }else{
*>*          user.deleteRoleMapping(role);
*>*      }
*>* }*


On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 1:46 PM Philippe Gauthier <
philippe.gauthier at inspq.qc.ca> wrote:

> Hi
> I saw a 2017 post from Simon Payne about ClaimToRoleMapper and I cannot
> find any answers for his question.
> http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/keycloak-user/2017-October/012129.html
> This post was about ClaimToRoleMapper class of the OIDC broker component.
> This class search for a claim, check for its value and grant a role if the
> value is equals to the value specified in the configuration.
> If the user from the IdP is not known by Keycloak, it will be created by
> the First Broker Login Flow and the role will be granted.
> If the user is already known by Keycloak, he have the role specified by
> the mapper and he don't have the claim anymore, the role will be revocated.
> But. If the user is known by Keycloak, he don't have the role specified by
> the mapper and he have the claim, Keycloak does not grant him the role.
> It is clear why it does this in the code but it is not clear why this have
> been done that way:
> Here is the code.
> @Override
> public void importNewUser(KeycloakSession session, RealmModel realm,
> UserModel user, IdentityProviderMapperModel mapperModel,
> BrokeredIdentityContext context) {
>     String roleName = mapperModel.getConfig().get(ConfigConstants.ROLE);
>     if (hasClaimValue(mapperModel, context)) {
>         RoleModel role = KeycloakModelUtils.getRoleFromString(realm,
> roleName);
>         if (role == null) throw new IdentityBrokerException("Unable to
> find role: " + roleName);
>         user.grantRole(role);
>     }
> }
> @Override
> public void updateBrokeredUser(KeycloakSession session, RealmModel
> realm, UserModel user, IdentityProviderMapperModel mapperModel,
> BrokeredIdentityContext context) {
>     String roleName = mapperModel.getConfig().get(ConfigConstants.ROLE);
>     if (!hasClaimValue(mapperModel, context)) {
>         RoleModel role = KeycloakModelUtils.getRoleFromString(realm,
> roleName);
>         if (role == null) throw new IdentityBrokerException("Unable to
> find role: " + roleName);
>         user.deleteRoleMapping(role);
>     }
>     /* Maybe we should add an else here that does what the importNewUser
> does.
> }
> Thankyou
> Philippe Gauthier.
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