[keycloak-user] Keycloak in Azure cloud

Harrie Hoogeveen - BVA H.Hoogeveen at bva-auctions.com
Fri Apr 12 10:11:15 EDT 2019


I am Harrie working for a auction company and we are trying to do a POC with running Keycloak in the cloud. We face the problem that a sync network between node is not really a cloud friendly solution (costs and scalabillety) and we have been trying to to run Keycloak (5) in high availability mode with shared caches.
So far we ported the old redis cache driver to the new Keycloak / infinispan version by loading it as a JBoss module. It seemed very successful at first. Loading of the store works:

<local-cache name="sessions" module="tbacachestore">
    <store class="com.tbauctions.tbacachestore.TbaCacheStoreConf" shared="true" passivation="false"/>

And if we put passivation=true and shared=false, it actually writes to it when it shutsdown and reads the sessions again when starting up. But that of course does not leave us with a realtime shared cache. When we configure it as a write through cache. It also actually starts doing live reads and deletes, but somehow it never writes to the cache store. We tried many different overwrites, took a look at the casandara implementation and tried al kinds of cache configs. local-cache, replicated-cache, distrubed-cache with different amounts of owners. But so far no luck and we got stuck. We read about successful implementations like this, but always on older versions that do not apply to the current version. So I have some questions.
1) Is this actually a approach that is still supported, and if not, what is your advice on running in the cloud to make sure on node lost or restart we do not loose the active sessions?
2) Is there a good example / documentation on how to implement a shared cache on which multiple nodes read and write so they share sessions for the current 5.0.0 version, without using the cache sync network?

Also, if I am not complying with any netiquettes, please let me know. Its been a while after the last time I used a mailing list.

Best regards,
Harrie Hoogeveen

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Harrie Hoogeveen


Harrie Hoogeveen - BVA [cid:BVA_logo_28399888-555e-4d9d-9d46-bb4fa642bca0.png]  <https://www.bva-auctions.com/>

E.      H.Hoogeveen at bva-auctions.com

PO Box 1838
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the Netherlands

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the Netherlands


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