[keycloak-user] Help setup SSL certificate on keycloak

Sylvain Malnuit sylvain.malnuit at lyra-network.com
Thu Apr 18 03:15:12 EDT 2019


If you use the official Keycloak image, they introduce cer file conversion
mechanism. (see previous answer)


and readme
https://github.com/jboss-dockerfiles/keycloak/tree/master/server (find

Otherwise (custom docker image 
),  You must use Wildfly mechanism and
implement the same mechanism to import your certificale.

If Keycloak(Wildfly) doesn’t detect jks, it will generate a jks with
auto-signed certificate (see warning in logs). In Docker environment, you
can mount (secrets 
)  your certificates and convert them to jks (see
KEYSTORES_STORAGE in x509.sh script for exemple)


De : Francesco Longo [mailto:francesco.longo at linksfoundation.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 17 avril 2019 17:53
À : Sylvain Malnuit <sylvain.malnuit at lyra-network.com>
Objet : Re: [keycloak-user] Help setup SSL certificate on keycloak

Hi! Thank you for your answer, but I can't understand. I have a valid
certificate (.cer file) and I don understand how to import on keycloak..
The problem is that I use keycloak on a docker container on a portainer
configuration. I provide HTTPS with a selfsigned certificate running
docker container and keycloak with a mapped port like 8443. Now I cannot
understand how to setup this certificate on keycloak and the
guide/tutorial is not so clear because I don't understand where to put the
.cer file and what file edit...

I have to create a keystore from the .cer file?

Could you provide me a better understanding procedure?

Thank you very much!


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From: Sylvain Malnuit <sylvain.malnuit at lyra-network.com
<mailto:sylvain.malnuit at lyra-network.com> >
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 16:05
To: Francesco Longo; keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
<mailto:keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>
Subject: RE: [keycloak-user] Help setup SSL certificate on keycloak

It's an internal mechanism of Wildlfy (see
You create a keystore (jks) in a expected folder (or override the path
with a parameter) and declare realm in wildlfy.

It's not very difficult. Follow the tutorial and it's workfine.
Depending the version of keycloak (associated Wildlfy version -  Elytron
or not), cli command scan be different.

Good luck

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De : keycloak-user-bounces at lists.jboss.org
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[mailto:keycloak-user-bounces at lists.jboss.org] De la part de Francesco
Envoyé : mercredi 17 avril 2019 15:31
À : keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org <mailto:keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>
Objet : [keycloak-user] Help setup SSL certificate on keycloak

Goodmorning, I'm Francesco Longo and I'm a researcher at Links Foundation.
I'trying to setup keycloak as authentication and authorization service for
a European project and I have some problem setting up an SSL certificate.

I find the way to use HTTPS in keycloak using docker (just run the docker
image with the 8443 port mapping and it automatically create a self-signed
certificate) but I'd like to put a valid SSL certificate because I get the
error "self signed certificate" when I do some request to my keycloak
protected server...

I found your guide where it is explained how to put a certificate but it
is not clear to me where it is necessary to put the keystore file and what
file to edit or modify in order to have HTTPS.

I'll be very gratefull if some of you could help me to solve my doubts.

Thank you very much for your availability.
Best regards,

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