[keycloak-user] Cannot update the user realmRoles using the Admin API

Alfonso Alba GarcĂ­a alfonso at alfonsoalba.com
Sat Apr 20 04:27:03 EDT 2019


I'm using the keycloak Admin API to create a new user with the 
"subscriptor" role from my application.

I've found issue KEYCLOAK-6080 [1] in Jira which says that you first 
have to create the user and then set the roles. That's what I'm trying 
to do.

1- First, get a token for the Admin API using the admin user from the 
master realm:

curl -d "client_id=admin-cli" \
      -d "MYUSERNAME" \
      -d "MYPASSWORD" \
     -d "grant_type=password" \

2- set shell variable "access_token" with the provided access_token

3- Change the user firstName and realmRoles of the "demo-rails-app" realm
curl -X PUT \
-H"Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}"
-d '{"realmRoles":["subscriptor"], "firstName":"NEW FIRST NAME"}'\

The firstName of the user field is properly updated, however the user 
realm roles are not modified. Am I doing something wrong?. I've tried to 
pass a string instead of an array or use the role ID instead of the role 
name but neither of them worked.



1 - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-6080

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