[keycloak-user] Logout from identity provider is not propagated to Keycload clients

SauliK sauli.ketola at outlook.com
Thu Aug 8 05:46:44 EDT 2019


I have set up Keycloak with a SAML2 Identity Provider and I have a client
application configured to authenticate against Keycloak using SAML2.

If I logout from the application, the logout happens correctly using browser
redirects and the user is logged out from the application, from Keycloak,
and from the identity provider. But if I logout from the Identity provider,
the provider sends a logout request to Keycloak but Keycloak does not send
the logouts to the clients.

I have checked the source code regarding this and in the second scenario
Keycloak uses only the backchannel logout and does not even attempt to do
the browser / frontchannel logout. In my case backchannel logout is not

In the source code I can see that in SamlService class (which is being
invoked when I do the logout from the application) it uses either browser
logout or backchannel logout

But in the SamlEndpoint class (which is used when the identity provider
sends the logout request to Keycloak) it only attempts the backchannel

Is this the way it's supposed to work or is Keycloak just missing this


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