[keycloak-user] Configure resend timeout for registration email

Lukasz Lech l.lech at ringler.ch
Tue Dec 10 03:31:43 EST 2019


I've found out a disturbing behaviour of registration process.

After the email was sent, there's a screen where you can resend the registration email (which is not a problem), but each click sends a new email, without any timeout (which is a huge problem).
I was looking where this timeout is configured but I've failed to find it.

Is it configured on the server side, or you're expected to configure that in your theme? We've created our custom login theme, and maybe we've broken some things...
But even if the theme can limit the resent ratio, it must be controlled somehow on the backend, to prevent turning keycloak into mailbomb zombie...

Best regards,
Lukasz Lech

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