[keycloak-user] Still no luck with native iOS Facebook auth

Andrew J. Alexander andrew.j.alexander at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 22:37:27 EST 2019

I am just completely lost here.

I need to integrate the Facebook SDK directly with Keycloak - Facebook is
threatening to remove the ability to login entirely from my client's app.

I am, however, absolutely and completely lost with how to do this in

Here's my original post:


And I am wondering a similar question - is there a way to use native
Facebook access token to authenticate with Keycloak?

Facebook is saying that they want my client to update their app to use the
Facebook SDK for login as opposed to non-standard SDK (i.e.

I am trying to use the token provided by Facebook on successful login, with
absolutely no luck.

What is the recommended way (or is there a guide) on how to do this?

Is there absolutely any compliant way to integrate the iOS Facebook SDK
with Keycloak? Anything at all? I've been working on this for two weeks and
I'm completely lost and have no idea how to do it.

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