[keycloak-user] Kubernetes deployments

Leandro Nunes leandronunes85 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 06:53:39 EDT 2019

Hi fellow Keycloak users!

My team is now looking at deploying a KC cluster to GCP. We wanted to
leverage the infrastructure as much as possible but we’re struggling to
come up with a good strategy to deploy different SPIs to a KC cluster when
it is running in k8s. If we understand it correctly in such environments
one does not simply take a single SPI and deploy it to the cluster; instead
every time we want to install an SPI we’ll need to build a new (docker?)
image that contains KC itself, the new (version of the) SPI and all other
pre-existing SPIs. Is this understanding correct? Did you come up with
better/leaner approaches to solving this? What is your experience around
these issues?

As always, any help is much appreciated!
Leandro Nunes

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