[keycloak-user] Question about CBAC + Pushing Claims + Authorization Scopes

Álvaro Gómez alvaro.gomez.gimenez at tecsisa.com
Wed Jul 24 09:15:00 EDT 2019


We are applying RBAC and CBAC models to evaluate permissions in a
multi-tenant UMA application. We are using Pushing Claims to let custom
policies determine if an user has an specific role in a provided context
(tenant) via Pushing Claims.

Everything works fine if we use non-scoped resources but things get a bit
confusing when we use scoped ones since the pushing-claims (representing
the tenants) end up mixed in the RPT permission claim without leaving any
trace of the scopes with which they were pushed along. Consider the
following example:

We have an application which manages products (represented by resources).
There are profiles (represented by roles) which allow users to sell, modify
or delete products (represented by scopes). A certain user may interact
with one product in the context of a tenant (Determined by the Pushing
claim) with an specific role and with some different role from other

- Resource:
  * product (With scopes sell and update)

- Roles:
  * Seller
  * Product-Manager

- Policies:
  * Is-Seller (In the Tenant specified in the Pushing Claim "tenant")
  * Is-Product-Manager (In the Tenant specified in the Pushing Claim

- Permissions:
  * product:sell -> Provides the "sell" scope of the resource "product" if
the "Is-Seller" policy evaluates to grant.
  * product:update -> Provides the "update" scope of the resource
"product" if the "Is-Product-Manager" policy evaluates to grant.

- Users:
  * Alice -> Alice is "Seller" in the tenant "Organization-1" and is
"Product-Manager" in the tenant "Organization 2" so she should be able to
sell products in the context of the tenant "Organization-1" and update
products in the context of "Organization-2" but neither "update" products
in the context of "Organization-1" or sell products in the context of

1.- Alice requests an RPT using the following ticket:
     { "resource": "product", "resource_scopes": ["sell"], "claims": {
"tenant": ["Organization-1"] } }

    Since Alice is "Seller" in the "Organization-1" (meaning the Policy
"Is-Seller" will evaluate to "grant" if the provided claim value is
"Organization-1" and the evaluated Identity is Alice) an RPT is emitted
with the following "permission" claim:

       "resource": "product",
       "resource_scopes": ["sell"],
       "claims": { "tenant": ["Organization-1"] }

2.- Alice upgrades the previous RPT with the following ticket:
     { "resource": "product", "resource_scopes": ["update"], "claims": {
"tenant": ["Organization-2"] } }

   Here is were things get confusing to us. We'd expect Alice to be granted
when requesting the scope "update" in the context of "Organization-2" since
Alice has the role "Product-Manager" in that tenant. That would be what
happened if Alice was requesting the RPT for the first time instead of
upgrading a previous one. However, since we are upgrading the RPT obtained
in Step 1, when the policy "Is-Product-Manager" is evaluated, the claim
"tenant" is mixed with the one in Step 1 (Since they are not grouped by
scope) resulting in the following permission:

      "resource": "product",
      "resource_scopes": ["sell", "update"],
      "claims": {
          "tenant": ["Organization-1", "Organization-2"]

  The policy can't evaluate to grant since Alice is not "Product-Manager"
in both tenants "Organization-1" and "Organization-2" (Obtained through
$evaluation.getPermission().getClaims()). When evaluating this policy we
would only be interested in the pushing-claim `{ "tenant":
["Organization-2"] }` which was pushed along with the scope "update" (which
is the one being evaluated by the permission "product:update" associated
with this Policy).

   Shouldn't the claims be grouped by the scopes which with they were
pushed along? (See example at the end of this text), Are we missing

      "resource": "product",
      "resource_scopes": [
          { "name": "sell", "claims": { "tenant": ["Organization-1"] } },
          { "name": "update", "claims": { "tenant": ["Organization-2"] } },

Thanks in advance,

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