[keycloak-user] OpenAPI (swagger) documentation

Chris Couzens ccouzens at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 15:32:08 EDT 2019


I've created an OpenAPI specification for Keycloak's admin Rest API.


Feel free to make use of it.

It was generated by programmatically scraping the Keycloak Admin Rest API
documentation. This means it unfortunately has the same limitations (no
authz routes, the types having all fields as optional). But what is there
is complete and correct: all the paths [1] from the admin Rest
documentation, all the parameters, all the request [2] and response bodies
and their respective schemas.

I used it in a couple projects as I was putting it together. It meant I
didn't feel I was missing language specific clients for the Keycloak's API.

Kind regards,


[1] except this one. Whilst it might appear simple, it can't be represented
in OpenAPI because the path parameter would need to allow slashes

[2] except for the request bodies that are labelled FormData. This affects
4 routes. I expect they'd be relatively easy to implement, but those 4
routes being broken doesn't affect me. Pull requests welcome

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