[keycloak-user] add config to authentication execution

akula2000 akula2000 at protonmail.com
Mon Mar 4 15:27:13 EST 2019

Dear all,
im having trouble automating my keycloak configuration via kcadm/rest api. I would like to add a config to authentication execution, which seems to be impossible without knowing the execution id. What I'm doing:

kcadm create authentication/executions/%execution_id%/create -r realm_name -s alias=alias_name -s "config.defaultProvider=saml"

I would like to avoid using the %execution_id% and use maybe an execution name or an alias or something like that as the id is unknown until the realm is created, which is done from the script.
I could get it first and then parse it, however my script is written in cmd batch and... honestly haven't found a way to parse it neatly. If there is a nice clean way to do it than that'll do as well. Is there maybe a third way to do this?

I am very grateful since this is the only part of my config that i couldn't figure out.
Thanks a LOT,

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