[keycloak-user] keycloak+angular+serviceworker

Ahlers P. (Peter) p.ahlers at nedasco.nl
Mon May 27 08:59:58 EDT 2019


It's my first time here on this mailing list. So please be gentle when I'm break a netiquette.

I'm working on a project with Keycloak, keycloak.js, keycloak-angular, Angular and serviceworkers. We have multiple Angular applications with each there own client. All the applications using the same realm. Every application is using the default serviceworker of Angular.

We see strange behavior when navigating between applications.

1)      Urls which contains a part of the first url and a part of the second url.

2)      Navigating between applications and the client-id is from the current application and the redirect-url is from the second application.

I know it's a specific setup, but is anyone recognize his behavior?

Kind regard,

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