[keycloak-user] Keycloak filters on spring boot 2 adapter

Andrey Dryahkhlov bur.nnov at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 02:51:21 EST 2019

 Hi all,

We are using keycloak 7.0.0 as microservice in cloud for users logins and
for microservice-to-microservice communications. All our services use a
spring boot and keycloak spring bott 2 adapter to validate/parse token.

We found that in case if token is expired we see at least 4 error messages
about that in our logs.
This is due to that keycloak adapter provides 4 filters:

   - KeycloakAuthenticatedActionsFilter
   - KeycloakAuthenticationProcessingFilter
   - KeycloakPreAuthActionsFilter
   - KeycloakSecurityContextRequestFilter

As i understand there is only KeycloakAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter
required to initialize a security context. Can any one explain the goal for
other filtes? Are they really needed? Or it is used for special cases like
sso/login/logout and so on...

I could not find any java doc or documents on keycloak site related to it.

Thanks in advance,

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