[keycloak-user] Policy enforcer without roles in token
Matteo Restelli
mrestelli at cuebiq.com
Mon Nov 11 10:47:35 EST 2019
On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 4:17 PM Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:40 AM Matteo Restelli <mrestelli at cuebiq.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Pedro,
>> thank you for your reply.
>> No, i wasn't the one who requested the feature, anyway i'm still
>> interested into it. Our use case includes several microservices (which
>> represents modules of our PaaS) which performs authorization checks against
>> realm based roles. Every microservices has each own client containing its
>> authorization checks.
> Interesting, another use-case then ...
Yeah, we've separated authorization inside each backend client, in order to
better separate authorization requirements. Each microservice will then
validate and refer to its own authorization requirements. The frontend
client, instead, is a single public client which receives the complete
lists of roles (since they're defined at realm level)
>> Besides the PR (which is really really interesting and i hope it will be
>> included in further releases), what are your recommendations to reduce the
>> access token size? I'm asking this because in some browsers there are
>> limits (4KB) about cookies & headers length. I can imagine those solutions:
>> - Keep the token "light" and perform a token exchange into our gateway
>> once we receive the token from the single page application, in order to
>> retrieve a new token with all the realms roles associated to the user
> The price you pay is a round-trip to the server. But it works ...
Yeah and i want to completely avoid that, in order to avoid
to be "bottlenecked" by Keycloak
>> - Use some particular mode of the adapter which will do the necessary to
>> retrieve the roles (but i can't find something like that in the docs)
> Roles are gathered from the token, always ...
Yeah, i just saw it debugging the keycloak code locally... :(
>> - Use RPT? Once the gateway receives the access token, perform the RPT
>> request to retrieve a token with all the permissions for the particular
>> client
> The beauty of the RPT is that the permissions should be enough as the
> server already granted them based on the state of the current session.
> Resource-based permissions also decouple applications from access control
> mechanisms so that you have more flexibility and control over the policies
> that govern access to your resources.
> It should not be seen as *the* solution for large tokens though ...
>> - Something else unknown to us? :)
> Maybe use a mapper or don't include tokens by default in your token. So
> that your client requests what he needs (yeah, more coupling between your
> clients + resource servers). The client scopes functionality is very
> interesting in this context given that you can set-up a scope that spans
> multiple roles, on a per-application basis.
>> Have you ever faced this kind of problem?
> Another user reported a similar requirement that originated that PR. I see
> value in having this as it helps the "decouple authorization from your
> applications* story.
Yeah me too. I know that the main idea is to validate only what is
contained in the token, but maybe it could be possible to introduce some
other feature including this possibility...
Thank you again,
>> Thank you again,
>> Matteo
>> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 1:20 PM Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> We had a PR [1] for addressing this use case but it was closed due to
>>> not enough quorum to support the changes.
>>> While we should keep policy enforcement based on the state carried by
>>> tokens, I see as an improvement to also allow users, on a per-use case
>>> basis, to fetch roles directly from the realm instead, even if they are not
>>> available in the token.
>>> I can't remember now, but I'm wondering if was you that first requested
>>> this so I ended up working on these changes?
>>> Regards.
>>> Pedro Igor
>>> [1] https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/6163
>>> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 5:43 AM Matteo Restelli <mrestelli at cuebiq.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> we’re experiencing issues about JWT access_token size and we were
>>>> planning
>>>> to remove the “roles” claim as a default, so to remove the claim from
>>>> the
>>>> access_token. Once we do that, the KC adapter / policy enforcer returns
>>>> a
>>>> 403. So at this point, does the access_token must have the roles inside
>>>> it?
>>>> Or it’s another problem which is giving us the 403?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Matteo
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