[keycloak-user] [UMA] Submitting Permission Request

sesnor.silva at sapo.pt sesnor.silva at sapo.pt
Fri Nov 15 14:31:25 EST 2019


I'm trying to implement a frontend interface for requesting  
permissions to resource owners, however I'm having trouble  
understanding what a "permission_ticket" is.

According to the documentation  
(https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/authorization_services/#_service_authorization_aat), a permission request requires a "ticket=${permission_ticket}" parameter. How do I obtain this ticket? Can I build it  

The previous section states: "The resource server sends a response  
back to the client with a permission ticket and a as_uri parameter  
with the location of a Keycloak server to where the ticket should be  
sent in order to obtain an RPT."  But I'm not sure how I make my  
API/Resource Server do this.

Can I request access to a resource owner through any another method?

Thank you,

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