[keycloak-user] External Rest role provider?
luis.villaca at petrobras.com.br
luis.villaca at petrobras.com.br
Tue Oct 1 09:29:27 EDT 2019
Hi check the cutomized provider for the Federation. You can implement (via
UserStorageProviderFactory) UserStorageProvider and related interfaces for
Federation plugin. There you can override getRoleMappings,
getClientRoleMappings and other methods to call your service.
De: "nino martinez wael" <nino.martinez.wael at gmail.com>
Para: keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
Data: 01/10/2019 10:05
Assunto: [keycloak-user] External Rest role provider?
Enviado por: keycloak-user-bounces at lists.jboss.org
Hi All
We have an webservice that tells us if a user has one of two roles, this
are currently done over REST, are it possible somehow to integrate this
into Keycloak?
What options are there for external providers for user id's + user roles? I
checked the documentation but could only see something like ldap or
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Nino Martinez
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