[keycloak-user] Export the access token using mod_auth_openidc

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Mon Oct 7 02:38:26 EDT 2019

Did you look at docs for mod_auth_openid? If you can't find it there I
would suggest asking for help there.


On Thu, 3 Oct 2019, 11:19 Nicolas Lagiewski, <
nicolas.lagiewski.pro at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The problem is as follows. I have a web application running on an apache
> server that makes a CURL call to a REST service. In order to secure my
> service, I need to specify the access token in the headers of my CURL call,
> but I don't understand how to export session information using
> mod_auth_openidc. Can you help me, or explain if it's possible to do this
> operation using this module?
> Thanks.
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