[keycloak-user] subflow issue on reset credentials

Arnault BESNARD Arnault.BESNARD at b-com.com
Tue Oct 8 11:41:49 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I got a very strange Keycloak behaviour on reset credentials.

I set my reset credentials flow as follows:

* I created a flow called "subflow" and set it as alternative

        Inside my subflow I created 3 execution providers:

            * choose user (required)

            * send Reset Email (required)

            * Reset Password (required)

The authentication flow is the default "browser" flow.

Now, I tried the following scenario:

* On the login page, click on "forgot password"

* Enter a valid email

* A message told you that you should receive an email soon.

* Click again on "forgot password"

* Now, enter any valid user's email belonging to the realm

* Again, a message told you that you should receive an email soon.

* Now click on the browser back button.

* You are connected  with the credential belonging to the user's email !

If you create your reset credentials without subform, this scenario doesn't allow you to connect without the email link.

Before opening a bug case, can someone confirm he has the same behaviour ?

Thanks in advance,


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