[keycloak-user] subflow issue on reset credentials

Max Allan max.allan+keycloak at surevine.com
Wed Oct 9 08:06:30 EDT 2019

Hi Arnault,
I did some digging and found that with just the alternative flow version of
the reset password, it leaves a session "dangling". (Check "Sessions" in
the admin console.)
Which is why you can use the cookie to login with "back".
I don't quite follow what you're doing, but I think there is a risk that
you can't terminate the login that was started with the "Choose username"
from your workaround.
So, you may be able to make it look safe to the user somehow, but "hackers"
would still be able to extract the cookie and re-use it to login as another

You need to somehow cause a logout when the mail is sent.


On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 at 12:45, Arnault BESNARD <Arnault.BESNARD at b-com.com>

> Hi Max,
> Many thanks for your reply.
> My need is to have a dedicated reset credential flow per authenticator. To
> achieve this, I use the following strategy:
> *In authentication flow:
>     * Set a note resetCred with script authenticator (ie resetCred="pwd")
>     * Execute the first authenticator (ie login password form)
>     * Set a note resetCred with script authenticator (ie resetCred="auth2")
>     * Execute the second authenticator.
> * As all authenticator can call reset credential flow, I configured the
> later like this:
>     * Subform 1 set as alternative (scenario for the first authentication
> method, ie password lost)
>             * Set script authenticator as required. The script checks the
> resetCred  value (ie resetCred?="pwd")
>             * <do the reset credential scenario for the first
> authentication>
>     * subform 2 set as alternative (scenario for the second authentication
> method)
>         * Set script authenticator as required. The script checks the
> resetCred  value
>         * <do the reset credential scenario for the first authentication>
>      and so on...
> Except the raised issue, it's working perfectly.
> I'm currently working on a workaround based on additional notes. My idea
> is  to check at the end of the reset credential flow if at least one of the
> subflow was fully executed. If no, the script will set invalid user.
> Any other ideas are welcome ;-)
> Arnault
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Max Allan <max.allan+keycloak at surevine.com>
> *Envoyé :* mardi 8 octobre 2019 19:17
> *À :* Arnault BESNARD; keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
> *Objet :* Re: subflow issue on reset credentials
> Hi Arnault,
> I think with no "alternative" to alternate to or a "required" flow at the
> top level, you will not "require" anything other than choosing your user to
> gain a session. (You can use "choose a user" in a flow as a way to login
> without a password. So at that point in the process the user is logged in,
> with a login cookie.)
> I suppose you could consider it like this : you haven't completed all the
> required steps so the alternative flow hasn't completed yet, so you
> shouldn't be logged in. Maybe...
> I don't think this is a bug. But it does do the same for me.
> This makes me think : If you capture the cookie when using the normal
> reset process and replay a session with it and gain access to someone
> else's account, that would be a security bug. I might dig into that later
> if I have time/energy!
> Why would you want all the steps to be an "alternative" to reset
> credentials?
> You don't even need to try it twice, just enter your email/username and
> press submit when you see the "mail sent" message, click back. You're in.
> Max
> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 at 16:54, <keycloak-user-request at lists.jboss.org>
> wrote:
>> From: Arnault BESNARD <Arnault.BESNARD at b-com.com>
>> To: "keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org" <keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>
>> Cc:
>> Bcc:
>> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 15:41:49 +0000
>> Subject: [keycloak-user] subflow issue on reset credentials
>> Hi all,
>> I got a very strange Keycloak behaviour on reset credentials.
>> I set my reset credentials flow as follows:
>> * I created a flow called "subflow" and set it as alternative
>>         Inside my subflow I created 3 execution providers:
>>             * choose user (required)
>>             * send Reset Email (required)
>>             * Reset Password (required)
>> The authentication flow is the default "browser" flow.
>> Now, I tried the following scenario:
>> * On the login page, click on "forgot password"
>> * Enter a valid email
>> * A message told you that you should receive an email soon.
>> * Click again on "forgot password"
>> * Now, enter any valid user's email belonging to the realm
>> * Again, a message told you that you should receive an email soon.
>> * Now click on the browser back button.
>> * You are connected  with the credential belonging to the user's email !
>> If you create your reset credentials without subform, this scenario
>> doesn't allow you to connect without the email link.
>> Before opening a bug case, can someone confirm he has the same behaviour ?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Arnault
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> --
> Max Allan
> phone   +448454681066
> email   max.allan at surevine.com
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Max Allan
phone   +448454681066
email   max.allan at surevine.com
[image: Surevine 10th Anniversary]
Participate | Collaborate | Innovate
Surevine Limited, registered in England and Wales with number 06726289. PO
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