[keycloak-user] How to migrate all users from one realm to another on the same instance of Keycloak

Benjamin Huskic benjamin.huskic at thequalitygate.com
Mon Oct 14 04:31:28 EDT 2019

Hello everybody,

I have created a couple of realms for development in our environment. Now we need to move/copy all created users from UAT to UAT2.

A simple task, as I assumed, but I am now struggling for a couple of hours to find a solution on the web. Can someone give me a hint how this is done?

Thank you in advance
Kind regards,

[cid:image001.png at 01D4D841.19FC8380]
Benjamin Huskić
Founder & Solution Director

mobile: +971-5444-9-4664
email: benjamin.huskic at thequalitygate.com<mailto:benjamin.huskic at thequalitygate.com>
web: http://www.thequalitygate.com<http://www.thequalitygate.com/>

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