[keycloak-user] NPE problem with admin-cli Java client

Tero Ahonen tahonen at redhat.com
Mon Oct 14 13:35:38 EDT 2019


I have Java code running on Wildfly 16 that uses Keycloak admin-cli java library to interact with Keycloak. Code works fine from command line, it works fine when use thru REST interface. But it doesn’t work when used from @Scheduled EJB ….

Code is really simple 

Keycloak kc = KeycloakBuilder.builder()

List<UserRepresentation> users =
                kc.realm(“realm").users().search(email, 0, 1);

This fails to code

https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/e6a274ea0e31c6572e795f3372f006c88122539b/integration/admin-client/src/main/java/org/keycloak/admin/client/resource/BearerAuthFilter.java#L53 <https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/e6a274ea0e31c6572e795f3372f006c88122539b/integration/admin-client/src/main/java/org/keycloak/admin/client/resource/BearerAuthFilter.java#L53>

It seems that that token string is empty

kc.getTokenManager() is not null
kc.getTokenManager().getAccessToken() is not null
kc.getTokenManager().getAccessTokenString() IS NULL


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