[keycloak-user] Missing claims from custom scope

James Mitchell jamesm at suitebox.com
Mon Oct 21 19:58:05 EDT 2019

After more investigation, I find that the problem I have is NOT missing
claims because the scope mappers don't work. I have found that the mappers
are fine for hard coded values, and for simple things like email and name.

My problem is that the claims I want to map are attributes on my custom
user adapter object, and they are not available on the usermodel that the
token exchange is using - I suspect that this is a cache issue - the
usermodel is taken from the cache and it is a normal usermodel, not my
custom class, so my attributes are not visible.

I'll stop this thread and start a new question about custom attributes in
the cached user model.


*James Mitchell*


e: jamesm at suitebox.com

w: www.suitebox.com

*SuiteBox |* Level 4, 8 Mahuhu Crescent, Auckland 1010, NZ

On Mon, 21 Oct 2019 at 16:41, James Mitchell <jamesm at suitebox.com> wrote:

> sorry - that should be "it is using the direct "naked grant" to request a
> token on behalf of a user." I am using a direct naked grant.
> Is there another way to get my claims added to the JWT?
> ----
> *James Mitchell*
> Developer
> e: jamesm at suitebox.com
> w: www.suitebox.com
> *SuiteBox |* Level 4, 8 Mahuhu Crescent, Auckland 1010, NZ
> On Fri, 18 Oct 2019 at 13:04, James Mitchell <jamesm at suitebox.com> wrote:
>> I have some custom claims which are added to the access token at login.
>> This is working fine, verified the token has the claims etc...
>> Today I have added user impersonation to the client app - it is not using
>> the direct "naked grant" to request a token on behalf of a user.
>> I get a valid token back, but it is missing the claims from the custom
>> client scope.
>> I have tried with, and without adding a scope to the request, and also
>> adding the client scope as default for the realm and the client - but the
>> claims are still not added to the token.
>> Suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> James
>> ----
>> *James Mitchell*
>> Developer
>> e: jamesm at suitebox.com
>> w: www.suitebox.com
>> *SuiteBox |* Level 4, 8 Mahuhu Crescent, Auckland 1010, NZ

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