[keycloak-user] Admin Console Error Messages Are Not Internationalized

Hossein Doutaghy hossein.doutaghy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 10:22:03 EDT 2019


I am using keycloak version 6.0.1. But when I change the language to
specific language other than English in admin console error messages are
still in English and not in selected language

*Steps to reproduce: *
1) Make sure "Internationalization Enabled" is "ON" for the realm

2) Go to respective realm login page, select a different language (other
than English) and login

3) Try to create scenario where keycloak throws error. Ex: create a user
with username which already exists.

4) Notice the error message is still in English not in the language you
selected at login page.

Please find attachment for error snapshot.

Is this expected behavior or a bug ? Please guide me through this.

Thank you.

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