[keycloak-user] Liferay 6.2 with Keycloak

Yeo Wee Tat (NCS) weetat at ncs.com.sg
Fri Oct 25 05:09:17 EDT 2019

Hi all
I have install Keycloak 6.0.1 Tomcat 7 adapter in Liferay 6.2 for SSO authentication and authorization.
I have download keycloak.json to our web application WEB-INF and add below for context and web tomcat XML.
The integration between Liferay and Keycloak SSO have no issue.
However I have a doubt about protected resources in <security-constraint> tag. Currently I have added /group/*, hence all URL path is /group value required to log in.
If I would like to add URL /admin/* to use Liferay login page instead of SSO Login page , how to do it ? Thanks

---- context.xml
<Context path="/XXXX" crossContext="true" allowLinking="true">
                <Valve className="org.keycloak.adapters.tomcat.KeycloakAuthenticatorValve"/>

---- web.xml



Best Regards and Thanks

Wee Tat , Yeo  (NCS)
Consultant, NCS Pte Ltd

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