[keycloak-user] Change resource Ids

Pete Chown pete_keycloak at chown.org.uk
Mon Oct 28 13:22:40 EDT 2019

Hi Corentin,

> Hi guys,
> I would like to change the IDs of all my Authorization resources (in order
> to match the Ids in my main database).
> What is the recommended way?
> I could write a script that go through them all with the REST API, delete,
> re-create...
> Or run some commands directly in the MySQL database? I'm not sure about its
> structure, though, and I will be afraid to break something.

I did something that sounds a bit similar, with the user IDs and a 
Postgres database.  I couldn't update the IDs directly because of 
database constraints, so I created a database dump, edited it, then 
restored it.

It was actually quite straightforward because Keycloak uses UUIDs as 
user IDs rather than, for example, a numeric sequence.  This means that 
you can find the UUID you want to change, then just replace all 
occurrences of it in the database dump.  UUIDs are supposed to contain a 
lot of random bits so you're extremely unlikely to get random false 
matches (though of course I did look closely at what was actually 
getting changed).

The restored database has been running for some time with no obvious bad 

I'm not sure if the authorisation resources work in a similar way, but 
perhaps they do, in which case you might be able to apply this technique 
to your situation.


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