[mod_cluster-dev] Workers disconnecting from httpd proxy

Bela Ban bban at redhat.com
Tue Jun 8 06:42:04 EDT 2010

When a worker is killed because the virtaulized instance on it is shut 
down, the mod_cluster_manager app still displays the worker as healthy 
for about 5 minutes before removing it. However, I confirmed that the 
worker is dead by pinging it (which failed).

Is there a timeout parameter that I can set to have the httpd proxy 
remove a failed worker sooner ? KeepAliveTimeout apparently is used for 
closing idle connections, but not for detecting dead workers, so this is 
not the option I'm looking for.

Besides: isn't the JBoss master supposed to unregister failed workers ?

Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team

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