Enjoying Netty? Share your success story!
"이희승 (Trustin Lee)"
trustin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 13:49:55 EDT 2009
Hello community,
To celebrate the release of Netty 3.1.0.GA, which will be out pretty
soon, the Netty project team would like to gather your success stories.
If you and your team enjoyed Netty and think Netty was a key to your
successful project, please share the story with us. It will be much
worthwhile than 'thank you!' :)
Your story will be published to the Netty web site so that we could
attract more people to the community. As a result, we will see more
diverse and vibrant community which will inspire all of us with many
interesting ideas to improve Netty and your network application
development experience dramatically.
Please send your success story to netty-users at lists.jboss.org (or
trustin at gmail.com if you prefer a private mail.) We will publish your
story after polishing it a little bit.
There is no dead line for this event; we welcome your testimonial at any
time. Please feel free to take your time. It would be nice if you post
the story before 3.1.0.GA is out though.
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