Bayeux4Netty Report 3 - A Cool Progress

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Mon Jul 6 03:10:12 EDT 2009

Hi Danny,

It's great to see ongoing progress on this GSoC project.  I'm pretty
excited about it.  I will post a review soon.

While I review the code, could you please move your code to the Netty
official source code repository?  It really should belong to the
official repository IMHO.  I granted you the commit access to the
repository -

Create a directory 'bayeux' under /repos/netty/subproject/ and put your
work in there.  Please make sure all source code files have the correct
license header, as the source files in the trunk do.

If you have any problem with accessing the svn repository with your
account, let me know.  I'll fix it ASAP.


On 07/04/2009 02:51 AM, Dai Jun wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Last night, I finished third iteration for Bayeux4Netty. I am very
> excited to claim that it achieve a cool progress with an executable
> demo, In this demo, you can
> watch the process of handshaking and connecting of Bayeux in browser.
> I also post a detail work report to my blog,
> Any advice
> and comment would be appreciated, thanks you all, Ernest!
> Best regards,
> Dai Jun or Danny Dai in English,
> GTalk: guiwuu at | QQ: 93409048 | MSN: guiwuu at |
> Twitter: guiwuu
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