Suggestion on Channel Classes

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Wed Jul 15 02:29:31 EDT 2009

Hi Mike,

On 07/07/2009 08:14 AM, Michael McGrady wrote:
> The Netty Channel interface throughout the package uses the following
> design pattern.
> The sub-interfaces are seemingly wholly unnecessary and over-complicate
> understanding the design. This is seemingly true of all of the following
> interface extensions.
> Unless there is good reason to the contrary that I am not aware of, I
> would deprecate these extensions and then get rid of them.  I would not
> be surprised if I have missed some reason why these are necessary.

I'm not sure I understood what you suggested correctly, but are you
suggesting to remove the channel interfaces that extends one or more
other channel interfaces?  If so, I agree.  For example,
LocalServerChannel should be replaced by the combination of LocalChannel
and ServerChannel.  The same change could be applied to
ServerSocketChannel and XnioServerChannel.  Let me know if this is what
you think (or not.)


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