Google Protocol Buffers integration is ready.

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Thu Jul 23 22:31:09 EDT 2009

Hi Tomasz,

Thanks for the contribution first of all!

As you know ProtobufEncoder/Decoder does not enforce any header format.
 It's entirely up to a user which length format to use.  Also, I am
aware of the fact that people in the protobuf community prefers variant
length header you mentioned.  That being said, I think it's a good idea
to add the length prepender and relevant frame decoder in the
org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.protobuf package.  Would you contribute
some code?  I will include it in 3.2.0 - 3.1.0 is feature frozen already.


On 07/23/2009 06:26 PM, Tomasz Blachowicz wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> I can see your point about the speed and I agree. What I'm proposing here is
> option rather than replacement. Having two addition simple classes in
> library I could decide whether to optimize for speed of processing or for
> size of frames.
> Cheers,
> Tomasz
> christian wrote:
>> Hi Tomasz,
>> see my comment inline.
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Tomasz
>> Blachowicz<tblachowicz at> wrote:
>>> Hi Christian,
>>> I agree with you when we are speaking about HTTP alike network protocols
>>> that we can see almost everywhere. However bear in mind that Google
>>> Protocol
>>> Buffers are not replacement of HTTP os similar protocols. To me protobuf
>>> is
>>> a tool to quickly build binary protocols, which I highly optimized for
>>> speed, are compact and interoperable, hence python and C support. Excuse
>>> me
>> ^^^^^^^^^
>> exactly. I've written why using this variable-length datatypes for the
>> message length should be quite sure slower than using a fixed length
>> type in my last mail.
>> Although I am not too convinced it is really a performance gain to use
>> sub-bytes and sub-integers for storing numbers (you know, the CPU
>> registers are 32 or 64 bit anyways, there is a reason why an int is of
>> that size), it may be the case if the information needs to be kept,
>> like the coordinates in your example. And even if its not performaning
>> better, it saves resources, which is good.
>> However, this is irrelevant to the message length because (a) it needs
>> to be converted into a java-readable data type anyway so Netty can
>> read that many bytes from the socket and (b) the information is
>> temporary, as soon as you've got the message you really don't care
>> abut the msg length anymore.
>> What Trustin did was IMO the most obvious and efficient way, using
>> this varint would be IMO a "golden hammer" approach.
>> regards,
>> christian!
>>> that pitch, I'm not related to Google anyway ;)
>>> The one particular feature of protobuf is that the messages are as small
>>> as
>>> it is possible, each byte can be saved is saved. This is why they utilize
>>> the concept of so called varints. If we know how to read varints from the
>>> wire why not to follow the principle and encode the frame size as varint
>>> and
>>> save some bytes?
>>> Here is the real life example, where it might matter. Imagine a massive
>>> online multiplayer game. The client written in C is displaying the space
>>> where we might have, say a 10 space ships controlled by other players.
>>> Each
>>> player sends constant stream of updates to the server on the location of
>>> her
>>> spacecraft. At the same time, each player's client application reads or
>>> is
>>> being notified about location of other space vehicles. In this
>>> trivialized
>>> example we can see how many tiny messages might be exchanged between
>>> multiple concurrent clients and a server. Say, each message contains x, y
>>> and z coordinates expressed as integer numbers ranging from 0 - 2047.
>>> That
>>> means that the message encoded as protobuf binary would contain exactly 3
>>> x
>>> 2 = 6 bytes. If we'd use fixed integer represented as 4 bytes the entire
>>> frame become 6 + 4 = 10 bytes. But if we would use varint32 the size can
>>> be
>>> encoded as a single byte, so the entire frame is only 6 + 1 = 7 bytes.
>>> The
>>> ratio is 0.42, which means a lot to me if only we'd notice that there
>>> might
>>> be hundreds of millions of such messages being send and received.
>>> The Google Protocol Buffers were also designed to use varints to express
>>> the
>>> length a message. Take a look at the AbstractMessage.delimitedTo method
>>> (
>>> <code>
>>>  public void writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
>>>    CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output);
>>>    codedOutput.writeRawVarint32(getSerializedSize());
>>>    writeTo(codedOutput);
>>>    codedOutput.flush();
>>>  }
>>> </code>
>>> I'm aware that my explanation is a bit lengthy, but I simply wanted to
>>> make
>>> my point as clear as I can. I hope I have made already.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom
>>> christian wrote:
>>>> I, personally, am not convinced that this would be an improvement.
>>>> Reading four bytes and then being able to read the message should
>>>> perform much better then reading a byte, do some (albeit fast binary)
>>>> checks, potentially read some more bytes and then calculate the
>>>> message length from it.
>>>> I know it is apples and oranges, but with the nowadays much abused
>>>> HTTP protocol you haven't even read the "protocol id header" with 4
>>>> bytes...
>>>> christian!
>>>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Tomasz
>>>> Blachowicz<tblachowicz at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Trustin Lee wrote:
>>>>>> I have finished the implementation of Google Protocol Buffers codec
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> Netty.
>>>>>> Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf) are a way of encoding structured
>>>>>> data
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for
>>>>>> almost
>>>>>> all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.  With protobuf,
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> define a binary protocol very quickly and efficiently.  For more
>>>>>> information, please see here:
>>>>>> With the ProtobufEncoder and ProtobufDecoder that Netty provides, you
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> now write a network application with a very efficient binary encoding
>>>>>> even
>>>>>> more quickly than ever.  It just takes little time to implement a
>>>>>> codec
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> protobuf.
>>>>>> To help your understanding, I have written a time client / server
>>>>>> example.
>>>>>> The time client sends a list of time zones, and then the time server
>>>>>> responds with the local time for each time zone.  Please brwose the
>>>>>> following directory:
>>>>>>    -
>>>>>> Please note that has been generated from
>>>>>> LocalTimeProtocol.proto by protobuf compiler.
>>>>>> Please feel free to send me a feed back once you review the source
>>>>>> code.
>>>>>> I'd like to know what could be improved to support protobuf better and
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> help you implement an efficient binary protocol more quickly than
>>>>>> ever.
>>>>> Here is an idea for improvement of Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf)
>>>>> support in Netty. Currently each frame is prepended with fixed size
>>>>> four
>>>>> byte integer value that is a length of the message. Why not to use cool
>>>>> protobuf varint
>>>>> (
>>>>> for
>>>>> that purpose? By doing this for small messages one could save a few
>>>>> bits
>>>>> of
>>>>> bandwidth. For instance, messages smaller that 128 bytes can be
>>>>> "framed"
>>>>> only by one byte representing the size.
>>>>> I've already implmented FrameDecoded and FieldPrepender that I could
>>>>> share
>>>>> with you through JIRA. Please, let me know what you think and if you'd
>>>>> considered such feature for Netty.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Tom
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