HTTP method for POST query argument

이희승 (Trustin Lee) trustin at
Tue Sep 1 00:07:51 EDT 2009

Hi Frederic,

This sounds pretty neat although I didn't review it yet.  I think I
need to review the new buffer type you proposed first and then get back

Thanks and cheers,

On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 22:28:48 +0900 (KST)
Frederic Bregier <fredbregier at> wrote:
> Hi,
> First, I thank you all for your advices!
> I try to follow your ideas. I hope I did well. I join the zip that
> includes all files.
> As I said, I create a fork of http codec into http2 while
> implementing and testing, but of course, it should replaced once ok
> the current codec. In the zip, I join too the AggregateChannelBuffer
> since my implementation uses it to minimize memory usage with still
> no copy.
> I retain the following ideas:
> - I rename HttpDataDecoder to HttpBodyRequestDecoder, which seems to
> me more accurate.
> - Each time a chunk is offered, the decoder starts to decode what it
> can already decode. The interest is it moves from the current
> ChannelBuffer to HttpData objects as soon as possible, so, using
> AggregateCB, minimize the memory usage compares to if we retain all
> ChannelBuffer until all data will be decoded (doubles data, one in CB
> and one in HttpData). I take your proposition of decoder.offer(chunk).
>   It throws ErrorDataDecoderException if an error occurs while
> decoding (bad charset, bad IO, ...).
>   Note that Attribute can be huge (TEXTAREA in a FORM has no real
> limit and can be huge, for instance copying the content of a Text
> file into it) but it will not be stored in a File since it is not a
> FileUpload but a simple parameter. So I like the idea to try to
> prevent OOME as much as possible. Perhaps more optimization can be
> done, like implementing a virtual attribute that could be stored into
> a temporary file (like DiskFileUpload but for Attribute) if the size
> becomes too high. WDYT?
> - Of course it is compatible with both chunked and chunked body. In
> not chunked body, from the constructor, all HttpData are decoded.
> - No finish() is necessary since it will find by itself that the last
> chunk is the last one.
> - Two kinds of access to HttpData (either Attribute or FileUpload) co
> exist since I feel like one is simpler (yours) but the other one
> allows some specific optimizations if wanted by the user.
> 1) Access to HttpData once all chunks are received (throw
> NotEnoughDataDecoderException if the last chunk is still not
> received).
>   - List<HttpData> getBodyHttpDatas(); // all HttpData
>   - List<HttpData> getBodyHttpDatas(String name); // all HttpData
> associated with name
>   - HttpData getBodyHttpData(String name); // first HttpData
> associated with name
> 2) Access to HttpData along offer(chunk) calls:
>   - boolean hasNext() throws EndOfDataDecoderException 
>     //which says if there is at least one available HttpData in order
> (no back but could be implemented)
>   - HttpData next() throws EndOfDataDecoderException // gives next
> available HttpData in order
>     EndOfDataDecoderException is throwed if the decoder arrives at
> the very end (last chunk was received and the iteration is over).
> This is necessary to make the difference between no data are
> available but could be after next call to offer(chunk), or no data
> are available and they will never be others (last chunk is already
> received).
> In the snoop example, I show both usages.
> - I remove all references to Cookie and Header since you're right they
> already have their own decoder and its fine. However I add some
> convenient methods to HttpMessage that I feel they were missing:
>    - Map<String, List<String>> getHeaders();
>    - Set<Cookie> getCookies();
>    - void addCookie(Cookie cookie, boolean isServer);
>    - void setCookies(Set<Cookie> cookies, boolean isServer);
>    For Cookies, I admit this is not efficient since I create a
> encoder or decoder at each call. I would prefer at least to store the
> Set result of decoder. For the encoder, as once encode() method is
> called, it is purged, except rewriting a bit the encoder, I saw no
> efficient implementations. I'm not so happy with this, but I feel
> like at least the getHeaders() and getCookies() should be kept.
>    setCookies() is so simple that it could be kept too.
>    But addCookie could perhaps be forgotten since it is really not
> efficient (better to manage itself the encoder).
>    WDYT?
> - I keep this as a Decoder, not a handler, in order to enable mixed
> usage by end users (implementing for instance something else than a
> pure HTTP server).
> - I change the DefaultFileUpload to MemoryFileUpload name.
> - I did not changed yet the FileUpload name, but as I wrote
> previously in this post, if Attribute could have also a Disk
> Implementation (or other), perhaps I can try to make a common part
> for Memory, Disk and Mixte implementation, and then extend them into
> Attribute or FileUpload. WDYT?
>    By the way, I believe Attribute and FileUpload still need to be
> different types since they don't have the same properties (FileUpload
> must have a Content-Type for instance, while Attribute does not have
> any).
> - I agree with Jean-Francois and you that having
> HttpServletRequest/Response could be really interesting. But I don't
> feel right now that I've got enough knowledge to begin that work.
> Perhaps later on, once I learn a bit more about under the wood of
> servlet and take the time to read carefuly the Grizzly
> implementation...
> - For the moment, I remove the encoder from the zip, since I have
> different options and I don't know which one could be better.
> The question is basically:
> Should the encoder encode the full response or just passing the
> necessary body part?
> The problem is that in Multipart mode or not, the header contains a
> different Content-Type (multipart/form-data and
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded respectively).
> So should the encoder take care also about the header part encoding
> (calling other encoders itself)?
> If so, then it should take care too about the other headers and
> Cookies... WDYT?
> Well, I think it is a good start to stop here... ;-)
> Cheers,
> Frederic
> -----
> Hardware/Software Architect

Trustin Lee,

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